Monday, April 20, 2009

Silent Bomber

Another game that could have been really amazing. I'll just laundry list the FFFF aspects:
  • Horrible, horrible targeting system. Yes, targeting system, lock on to the person I'm escorting, with no way to stop this from happening. Thank you. That's great. It would be nice if it was an actual lockon system, where you could scroll targets or ... something.

  • The final boss fight is an actual fake difficulty moment. It's got the most disorienting background I've ever seen. The floor becomes transparent except for wireframe lines. There's animated stuff going on under the floor/background. Most of the fight is wireframe. Gah. What?

  • CAMERA. Yeah, I love enemies shooting me offscreen such that I can only see it right before it's about to hit me. This happened far too often in this game.
Not to say it wasn't fun, but ... It could have been so much less frustrating and stupid. I mean, the goal of the game is to blow things up in spectacular fashions. Of course that's going to be mostly pretty cool.