Tuesday, December 23, 2008

God of War

So... It's overall a fun game. There's really not too much to say about it, though. It's decently hard, even on normal. The QTEs are damned annoying, and I'm glad you can skip them the majority of the time. When you can't skip them, though, arg. They were a unique idea... for the first few times you did them. But, beyond that... Meh. The story is cool, killing everything in mythology and breaking standard mythology over your knee. And I did enjoy how you restored HP/MP, with the boxes letting you choose which one you got. The puzzles, too, were fun. Slightly challenging, but not ARG BASH HEAD INTO WALL CHECK THINGS ON GFAQS hard.
It was fun, but there was a lot of things that could have been done much better. The camera, especially, oh god. The camera killed me as many times as the enemies did. Overall... Fun, but I don't think I'll play through it again.

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